振动砖壁板是最近才发展起来的新技术,现在我国已开始在民用建筑中采用,并且取得了不少经验。但在工业建筑中采用振动砖壁板,还很少见。最近我们设计了两幢工业厂房,全部采用振动砖壁板。实践证明:在工业建筑中广泛地采用振动砖壁板,能够取得显著的经济效果。 这座振动砖壁板车间长138米,宽78米,桁架下弦底面标高12.6米,吊车起重量50吨,
Vibrating brick siding is a new technology that has only recently been developed. Now China has begun to adopt it in civil buildings and has gained a lot of experience. However, the use of vibrating brick siding in industrial buildings is still rare. Recently we designed two industrial plants, all with vibrating brick siding. Practice has proved that the use of vibrating brick siding in industrial buildings can achieve significant economic results. The vibratory tile wall workshop is 138 meters long, 78 meters wide, and 12.6 meters above the bottom of the truss, and the crane has a weight of 50 tons.