朝鲜战争爆发后,美国出兵占领了我国的台湾,使得本已摇摇欲坠的蒋家小朝廷得到了起死回生的机会。但是蒋介石幻想从战争中获得更多利益,先是谋求“出兵”参战,因为美国主子不允许而作罢;继而又阻挠朝鲜停战和谈,也以失败而告终。别的问题插不上手,于是在即将停战的时候,蒋介石把目标转向了战俘。 朝鲜战争中,志愿军在俘虏大批美军的同时,也有数万志愿军战士被俘。蒋介石认识到,如果把这批战俘弄到台湾以补充国民党军,无
After the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States sent troops to occupy Taiwan of our country and made the already shaky court of Chiang Kai-shek an opportunity to revive. However, Chiang Kai-shek fantasy to get more benefits from the war, first seek “sending troops” to participate in the war, because the United States did not allow the master to give up; followed by blocking North Korea’s truce peace talks, but also ended in failure. When other issues were not available, Chiang Kai-shek shifted his goal to prisoners of war when the armistice was about to cease. In the Korean War, while a large number of U.S. troops were captured by the volunteer forces, tens of thousands of volunteer soldiers were taken prisoner. Chiang Kai-shek realized that if these prisoners of war were to be brought to Taiwan to supplement the Kuomintang army, nothing would be done