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我到北京西北一百四十五公里的河北省新保安公社去访问的那天,已是今年春节假期的最后一天了,但街上还是锣鼓喧天,鞭炮声声,一派节日欢乐景象。由农民业余文艺爱好者扮演传统戏剧人物的高跷队、云车队、旱船队赢得街道两旁观众的热烈喝彩。公社文化站门前成了拔河比赛的临时场地,观众围得水泄不通,文化站各个游艺室都开放着,挤满了孩子们;棋艺室里的棋迷们正聚精会神地鏖战着。新保安,是华北平原一个古老的小集镇,这里农民喜欢观看和演唱传统的地方戏——晋剧。他们手工制作的演戏用的铜锣,闻名于省内外。但在十年动乱中,传统的农民文化娱乐活动被当作「封建主义文化」而被批判和禁止,原有的一个小文化站也被撤 The day I went to visit the new security commune of Hebei Province, a hundred and forty-five kilometers northwest of Beijing, was the last day of the Spring Festival this year, but the streets were still full of gongs, drums and sound of firecrackers and festive scenes of holidays. The stilt team, the cloud team and the dry-saloon team, who play the traditional drama characters by amateurs and amateurs, won warm applause from the audience on both sides of the street. Commune Cultural Station in front of the tug of war has become a temporary venue for competition, the audience perplexed, cultural stations are all open play rooms, packed with children; chess enthusiasts chess room is fierce battle. The new security guard is an ancient small town in the North China Plain, where peasants enjoy watching and singing traditional local operas - the Jin opera. Their hand-made acting gongs are famous both inside and outside the province. However, during the ten-year turmoil, traditional peasant cultural and recreational activities were criticized and banned as “feudal culture”. The original small cultural station was also withdrawn
目的 探讨对冠心病患者实施综合护理模式的临床效果.方法 本研究采用指标对比分析的方法 ,研究样本从2018年10月至2020年6月本院诊治的冠心病患者中筛选出符合本研究目的 需
现代医学研究表明,在 人类10种最容易导致死亡的疾病中,与饮食习惯有关的竟有心脏病、癌症、中风、动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病和慢性肝炎等6种。另一些严重疾病如骨质疏松、肠道