A What is iodine deficiency disease? What are the main hazards? Iodine deficiency disease is due to natural iodine deficiency caused by the body of iodine dystrophy manifested a group of diseases collectively. It includes endemic goiter, cretinism (dementia, dwarf, deaf, dumb, paralyzed as the main clinical features) and subclinical cretinism (mental retardation as the main clinical features), simple deaf, fetus abortion, Premature delivery, stillbirth and congenital malformations. Prenatal iodine deficiency hazards include miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, congenital malformations, cretinism and subclinical cretinism; neonatal iodine deficiency can cause congenital hypothyroidism detection rate increased; children and adolescents Iodine deficiency can affect mental development, physical development, made