Histamine synergists increase gastric acid secretion. Its structure requires that the side chain require two carbon atoms. If there is only one, there is no synergistic effect, if the increase to three, the effect is very low, about one thousandth of histamine; end of the -NH_2 is also important. If replaced by -OH, they lose their efficacy. Chain extension, such as adding a C_2H_5, there is still a pharmacodynamic effect, but with phenyl (phellyl-), because almost can not adapt to the receptor and invalid. Hydrogen at the carbon end is substituted by methyl, which is 2-3 times more potent than histamine; two hydrogens, which are substituted by two methyl groups, are 2-3 times more potent in vivo than histamine. However, the direct effect of histamine in vitro than its methyl-substituted derivatives is stronger, while the latter (N-methyl and N-dimethyl histamine) in vivo than