凉山杜鹃是我省75年发掘的一个不含棲木毒素(Ⅰ)的杜鹃属新品种,经省内和北京地区验证900余例,疗效与国内近年鉴定投产的映山红等相似,本试验以临床应用的浸膏及其有效成份总黄酮为材料,结果报告如下:一、毒性试验1.凉山杜鹃总黄酮对小白鼠口服的 LD50为17.83±2.35克/公斤。
Liangshan Rhododendron is a new species of Rhododendron that is not exogenous wood toxin (I) excavated in our province in the past 75 years. It has been verified in more than 900 cases in the province and in Beijing. The curative effect is similar to that of Azalea, which was identified and put into operation in recent years in China. The total flavonoids of the applied extract and its active ingredients were used as materials. The results were reported as follows: 1. Toxicity Test 1. The LD50 of Rhizoma Astragali total flavonoids for mice was 17.83±2.35 g/kg.