【机 构】
【出 处】
Serotonin Influences the Endogenous Opiate Peptides in the Rat Spinal Cord to Participates in Pain M
Spinal cord is a necessary pathway that transfers the body nociceptive inputs to the brain. Endogenous opiate peptides have been proven to participate in the no
水磨式磨浆机可代替传统石磨加工各种物料,其加工质量好、效率高、省时省力、使用方便,因而受到广大农户的欢迎。那么,怎样选购与使用磨浆机呢? 一、磨浆机的选购 1.首先要根据生产规模来选择磨浆机的型号、规格和大小。当用途单一时,尽可能选择专用性强的磨浆机,这样较实惠实用;当用途多时,要注意磨浆机的配套性。选购时还要看清机器铭牌上的各项指标是否符合自己的使用要求。 2.要选择“
As intrathecal pumps are now widely used for management of pain and spasticity, there are more women of child-bearing age who have intrathecal pumps already imp
Postoperative Analgesia Following Caesarean Section: Intravenous Patient Controlled Analgesia Versus
Background: Management of postoperative pain after caesarean section (C/S) requires a balance between pain relief and undesirable side effects of drugs and tech
Although nasogastric tube (NGT) is a simple procedure, the blind placement of nasogastric feeding tubes is not without risks. Chest radiogram is done to confirm
避孕套避孕既方便可行,又可防止性病传播。但生活中常常发生使用避孕套避孕失败的情况,常见的失败原因有以下8种: ◆未检查质量 市面上出售的避孕套绝大多数是没有问题的,但个别商店的避孕套由于积压过久,或者是受高温影响,发生硬化、粘连,有可能出现不易觉察的孔洞,致使精液渗漏入阴道。所以,使用前,一定要向套内吹口气,看它是否有漏气现象,确认质量合格后方可使用。 ◆选套失误 避孕套分大号、中号和小号三种