本刊于2001年12月中旬向25家ECR/POS厂商发函,调查2001年品牌收款机销售情况,共收到14家厂商的回函。在此,向支持这项工作的厂商致谢。需要说明的是,表中数据没有包括一些特殊情况,如韶关亿利达2001年从年初至7月停业止,售出1400台胜利达牌二类机。另外,一些厂家对行业一直沿用的将收款机分为一、二、三类的做法提出不同意见,如浪潮公司认为根据现在收款机市场的情况应按以下分类:1普通数字型收款机、2普通中文型收款机、3在线型收款机、4税控收款机、5 POS机。希诺
The Journal issued a letter to 25 ECR/POS vendors in mid-December 2001 to investigate the sales of brand cash registers in 2001 and received a total of 14 manufacturers’ letters of reply. Here, thank the manufacturers that support this work. It should be noted that the data in the table does not include some special circumstances. For example, Shaoguan Yilida was shut down from the beginning of the year to July in 2001 and sold 1,400 Taiwan Class II machines. In addition, some manufacturers have different opinions on the industry’s practice of classifying cash registers into one, two, or three categories. For example, Inspur believes that according to the current situation in the cash register market, it should be categorized as follows: 1 Ordinary digital collections Machine, 2 common Chinese cash registers, 3 online cash registers, 4 fiscal cash registers, 5 POS machines. Sino