喷油冷却压缩循环系统通过在压缩过程中喷入的大量润滑油实现准等温过程,降低压缩机耗功,从而提升系统能效.为了获得喷油冷却压缩循环在空气源热泵上的制热特性,本文理论研究了制冷工质R410A、R32和R290在喷油冷却压缩循环中的制热性能,并分别与单级压缩循环和中间补气循环(VIC)进行了比较,结果显示喷油冷却压缩循环在制热COP、排气温度上具有一定的优势,而中间补气循环在制热量上具有较大的优势.“,”Oil flooded compression cycle is able to achieve a quasi-isothermal compression process by injecting a significant amount of oil into the compression chamber,and thereby leading to an increase of COP as a result of the reduction of the compression work.In order to obtain the characteristics of oil flooded compression cycle for air source heat pump,the theoretical performance of R410A,R32 and R290 oil flooded compression systems in heating mode are investigated and compared with those in the baseline and vapor injection systems respectively.The results show that oil flooded compression cycle has advantages in term of COP and discharge temperature while vapor injection cycle has advantage in term of heating capacity.