房屋面积统计指标是从实物形态上反映建设规模、建设成果的,也是计算工程造价、分析投资效果、企业核算的重要依据。房屋面积统计指标主要包括:房屋建筑面积和商品房面积等指标。 一、房屋建筑面积主要统计指标 房屋建筑面积的核算是从建筑物的外墙线算起,包括可供使
Housing area of statistical indicators reflect the physical form of the construction scale, construction achievements, but also calculate the project cost, analysis of investment results, an important basis for corporate accounting. Housing area statistics include: housing construction area and commercial housing area and other indicators. First, the main building of the statistical indicators of housing area accounting for the construction area is calculated from the outer wall of the building count, including the available