亲爱的台湾航海界同仁们: 我们在大陆航海界的部分同仁,最近应中国航海学会邀请,参加了在庐山召开的全国航海界知名人士座谈会。当我们这些年逾花甲或逾古稀的老同学、老朋友、老同事欢聚在这避暑胜地,商过如何加速我国航海科学技术现代化和恢复大陆与台湾通航等问题时,也深深地怀念阔别三十余载的台湾航海界同仁们。回想当年我们祖国曾经沦落为半殖民地而任凭帝国主义列强宰割的情景,我们曾经共同为了挽救国家和民族的危亡,团结一致,同心协力,共赴国难;看到今天中国已昂
Dear Taiwanese naval colleagues: Some of our colleagues in the maritime sector of the mainland recently joined the famous navigational forum held in Lushan at the invitation of China Navigation Association. When we gather together with old classmates or old friends, old friends and old colleagues in these past years to gather in this summer resort and negotiate with them on how to speed up the modernization of our maritime science and technology and restore the mainland’s access to Taiwan’s navigation, we also deeply miss the absence of three More than a decade of Taiwan’s maritime community colleagues. In retrospect, when our motherland was once reduced to a semicolonial one and allowed the imperialist powers to slaughter it, we have all worked together to save the country and the nation from danger. We united and worked together to go to the national crisis;