下课了,一位年轻教师满脸疑惑地来到办公室:“今天上课真的好奇怪,将小块金属钠放入滴有酚酞的水中反应,溶液竟然没有变成红色!”于是办公室里七嘴八舌地讨论起来。“有这种情况?后来你怎么处理的呢?”“我跟学生说,可能是钠用少了,于是又加了一小块,直到最后才看到一点点红。”“可能最后的那一点点红也是你的幻觉。”有人调侃道,“你带着强烈的渴望,于是观察现象也变得不客观了。”“实验时你取的钠有多少,有1 g吗?”有人问道。“没有,就一点儿,跟一颗绿豆差不多大小。”
After class, a young teacher came to the office questioning his face: “really curious class today, the small metal sodium into phenolphthalein water droplets reaction, the solution did not even turn red!” So in the office Rumble to discuss it. “What happened to you later?” “” “I told the students that it might be that sodium was used less, and then a small piece of it was added, until it finally showed a bit of redness.” “Perhaps the last bit of redness is also your illusion.” “Someone jokes,” “With a strong desire, you observe the phenomenon becomes obscure.” “How much sodium did you take during the experiment? Is there 1 g? ”“ Someone asked. ”No, just a little, about the size of a green bean. "