一、第三代移动通信系统概述 移动通信发展的最终目标是实现任何人可以在任何地点,任何时间与其他任何人进行任何方式的通信。到目前为止,移动通信系统已由第一代的模拟语音移动通信系统发展到第二代。第二代移动通信系统的业务种类主要限于话音和低速数据(≤9.6kbit
I. Overview of 3G Mobile Communication System The ultimate goal of mobile communication development is to enable anyone to communicate with anyone else at any place, at any time and in any way. So far, the mobile communication system has evolved from the first generation of analog voice mobile communication system to the second generation. The second generation of mobile communication system is mainly limited to the types of business voice and low-speed data (≤ 9.6kbit