一、引言用短日照处理许多树种的适当部位后,抑制了枝条的伸长,使之成了一些木本植物冬芽的发生和发展的重要环境因子之一。除了热带植物和亚热带植物以外,植物枝条快速伸长的最适温度在15—30℃之间(LARCHER,1980)。据了解,日本赤松(pinus densiflora S。et Z。)当年生的枝条伸长较快的时期最迟不超过6月初,第二年生长的枝条的新芽在7月初发生(NAGATA,1968)。日本扁柏(Chamaecyparis obtusa S.et Z)
I. INTRODUCTION After short-day treatment of the appropriate parts of many tree species, the inhibition of the elongation of the branches has made them one of the important environmental factors for the occurrence and development of some winter buds of woody plants. In addition to tropical and subtropical plants, the optimum temperature for rapid plant branch growth is between 15 and 30 ° C (LARCHER, 1980). It is understood that the shoots of the growing branch of Pinus densiflora S.et Z. grew rapidly at the latest no earlier than early June and the shoots of the branches growing in the second year (NAGATA, 1968) occurred in early July. Japanese cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa S.et Z)