Evidence for UHP metamor-phism of eclogites from the Altun Mountains

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengpenghu
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Ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphism refers to metamorphism that has occurred at pressures for the stability of coesite. The polycrystalline quartz inclusions showing the characteristic texture within garnets of eclogites indicates the pre-existence of coesites under the peak meta-morphic condition. The unusual exsolution textures in om-pacites and apatites, and the pressure estimations of phengite-bearing eclogites have been taken to provide further proof of eclogite formation under the UHP conditions. Combined with the fact that coesites have been observed in country rocks of eclogites in North Qaidam Mountains, another UHP metamorphic belt cut by the large-scale strike-slip fault in the Altun-North Qaidam area of China is confirmed. The polycrystalline quartz inclusions showing the characteristic texture within garnets of eclogites indicates the pre-existence of coesites under the peak meta-morphic condition. The unusual exsolution textures in om-pacites and apatites, and the pressure estimations of phengite-bearing eclogites have been taken to provide further proof of eclogite formation under the UHP conditions. combined with the fact that coesites have been observed in country rocks of eclogites in North Qaidam Mountains , another UHP metamorphic belt cut by the large-scale strike-slip fault in the Altun-North Qaidam area of ​​China is confirmed.
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The electric conductivity of gabbro has been measured at 1.0-2.0 GPa and 320-700℃, and the conduction mechanism has been analyzed in terms of the impedance spe