工程总承包是一种以向业主交付最终产品服务为目的,对整个工程项目实行整体构思,全面安排,协调运行的前后衔接的承包体系。它将过去分阶段分别管理的模式变为各阶段通盘考虑的系统化管理,使工程建设项目管理更加符合建设规律和社会化大生产的要求。 一、国内实施工程总承包的现状和问题 我国工程总承包的提出,起源于基本建设管理体制改革。早在1984年国务院颁发的《关于改革建筑业和基本建设管理体制若干问题的
Engineering general contracting is a kind of contracting system that carries out overall conceiving, comprehensive arrangement and coordination operation before and after the operation for the purpose of delivering the final product service to the owner. It turns the phased management mode into the systematic management which is considered in all stages in the past so that the management of project construction project more conforms to the construction law and the requirements of socialized large-scale production. First, the status quo and problems of the implementation of general contracting projects in China The proposal of China’s general contracting of projects originated from the reform of the basic construction management system. As early as 1984, the State Council promulgated the "Several Questions on the Reform of the Construction Industry and Infrastructure Management System