发挥艺教委作用 开创艺教新局面 靳尚谊在教育部艺教委第四届全体委员会会议的工作报告(摘要)

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2003年4月8日,教育部艺术教育委员会第四届全体委员会会议在北京石化宾馆隆重举行。50余位艺教委委员欢聚一堂,共同商议和探讨新形势下,第四届艺术教育委员会面临的任务,以及如何进一步发挥作用的问题。教育部部长周济、副部长赵沁平出席会议并讲话。来自全国各地的艺术教育界的52位专家(名单附后),从教育部部长周济和副部长赵沁平的手中接过聘书,正式成为教育部艺术教育委员会的第四届委员。周济对过去十几年艺术教育委员会在学校艺术教育发展过程中所起的作用给予了肯定。赵沁平副部长对新一届艺术教育委员会提出希望。新一届艺术教育委员会主任靳尚谊做了工作报告。会议由教育部体卫艺司司长、第四届艺术教育委员会秘书长杨贵仁主持。这里我们摘要发表靳尚谊的工作报告,以飨读者。 On April 8, 2003, the 4th Committee of the Arts Board of Education of the Ministry of Education held a grand meeting in Beijing Petrochemical Hotel. More than 50 arts education commission members gathered together to discuss and discuss the new situation, the fourth session of the Art Education Committee tasks and how to further play a role in the problem. Minister of Education Zhou Ji and Vice Minister Zhao Qinping attended the meeting and made speeches. Fifty-two experts from the art education circles in all parts of the country (attached list) took the appointment letter from Zhou Ji, the minister of education, and Zhao Qinping, the vice minister, and officially became the fourth member of the Art Education Committee of the Ministry of Education. Zhou Ji affirmed the role played by the Arts Education Commission in the development of school art education over the past decade or so. Vice Minister Zhao Qinping expressed his hope for the new session of the Art Education Commission. Jin Shangyi, director of the new art education committee made a work report. The meeting was presided over by Director of Department of Health and Welfare of the Ministry of Education and chaired by Yang Guiren, Secretary-General of the 4th Art Education Committee. Here we abstract published Jin Shangyi’s work report to readers.
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