Letter, package, exchange, hair, is the postal department of the four basic business. From the composition of the postal income in various countries in the world, most of the income from the mail business is the main factor. For example, in the United States in 1975, letters, postcards and printed materials accounted for 64.2% of postal revenue, Canada accounted for 62.7%, Australia accounted for 72.3%, Federal Republic of Germany accounted for 55% and India accounted for 57.5%. For a long time, the development of postal mail business in our country has been slow. According to statistics, in 1949, the number of letters and telegrams handled was 598,744,000 and 2,787.56 million respectively in 1976, an increase of only 3.6 times in 27 years. From 1976 to 1982, the average annual volume of correspondence increased by only 3.1%. In 1983, the volume of mailing and correspondence services reached 3,521,263,000 with a growth rate of 3.7%. In 1984, there was a rapid development of the mail business throughout the country, with an annual sales volume of 3.94357 million pieces,