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清晨,我们来到森林,想要寻找鸟儿们的身影。经历了漫长的等待之后,在三月中旬,春姑娘终于迈着轻盈的脚步来到了北部森林。森林里的小伙伴们,热情地招待着这位美丽的客人。得知它要在这里住到六月中旬后,小伙伴们都别提有多高兴了。它们奔走相告,很快,森林中所有的居民,都知道了这个令人振奋的消息。三月的北部,天气依然有些寒冷,鸟儿们都躲在温暖的远方。可是听到了春姑娘来到森林做客 In the early morning, we came to the forest and wanted to look for the birds. After a long wait, in mid-March, the spring girl finally reached the northern forest with her light footsteps. The little friends in the forest enthusiastically entertained the beautiful guest. When I learned that it was here to live in mid-June, my friends would not be happy. They flew past and soon, and all the inhabitants of the forest knew about this exciting news. In the northern part of March, the weather is still a bit cold, with the birds hiding in the warm afar. But I heard the spring girl came to the forest guest
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目的 研究gp130单克隆抗体B S12的生物学特性。方法 用细胞计数和3 H TdR掺入的方法观察人多发性骨髓瘤细胞株XG 1和XG 2在抗gp130的单抗B S12与它们的Fab片段和F(ab′) 2
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为考察纤维素酶破坏植物细胞壁后 ,对中药材香豆精成分的提取效果 ,我们选择补骨脂进行加酶组和未加酶组提取对比实验 ,采用薄层扫描法 ,以其有效成分补骨脂素作为考察指标。
建立原药材制首乌及复方虫草胶囊中 2 ,3 ,5 ,4′ 四羟基二苯乙烯 2 O β D 葡萄糖苷的含量测定方法。方法 :YWG C18柱 (4 .6mm× 2 5 0mm ,10 μm) ;流动相乙腈 水 (1∶4)
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