1日 1786年莫扎特的歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》在维也纳首演。1851年在伦敦海德公园举行的“世界大博览会”开幕。1886年美国芝加哥等地工人举行大规模罢工和游行,争取八小时工作制。此日后来被定为国际劳动节。1926年英国矿工举行大罢工,一直持续到当年
On the 1st of 1786 Mozart’s opera “Le Figaro’s Wedding” premiered in Vienna. 1851 Opened in London’s Hyde Park “World Expo.” In 1886, workers in Chicago and other places in the United States held large-scale strikes and demonstrations and strived for an eight-hour working system. This day was later designated as International Labor Day. In 1926 British miners held a strike that lasted until that year