Further development and sustainable utilization mode of grassland tourism resources: a case study of

来源 :Ecological Economy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:t920215
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Tourism resources are important foundation for the development of tourism industry. Grassland is not only a kind of important resource but also a great attraction to visitors. Therefore, the integrated development and sustainable utilization of grassland tourism resources are of great significance. This paper, based on the analysis of literatures and the current problems existing in grassland tourism, summarizes the speciality of grassland tourism development, deals with the problem of speciality, and raises the modes of regional development, product development and management. This paper takes Inner Mongolia, the famous grassland tourism destination as example and carries out empirical research. Based on the status quo of grassland tourism resources in Inner Mongolia, this study analyzes the character- istics of grassland tourism resources, the necessity and feasibility of integrated development, then proposes the following suggestions: idea for development, mode of development, regional cooperation, tourism products development, espe- cially the three modes of development based on the resources conditions - the mode of relying on market, the mode of combination aggregation and the mode of relying on quality. Tourism resources are important foundation for the development of tourism industry. Grassland is not only a kind of important resource but also a great attraction to visitors. Therefore, the integrated development and sustainable utilization of grassland tourism resources are of great significance. This paper, based on the analysis of literatures and the current problems existing in grassland tourism, summarizes the speciality of grassland tourism development, deals with the problem of speciality, and raises the modes of regional development, product development and management. This paper takes Inner Mongolia, the famous grassland tourism destination as example and carries out empirical research. Based on the status quo of grassland tourism resources in Inner Mongolia, this study analyzes the character- istics of grassland tourism resources, the necessity and feasibility of integrated development, then b. the following suggestions: idea for development, mode of development, regio nal cooperation, tourism products development, espe- cially the three modes of development based on the resources conditions - the mode of relying on market, the mode of combination aggregation and the mode of relying on quality.
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