
来源 :兵团建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:popopan22
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农五师八十八团是因屯垦戍边的需要,于1960年建立的,四周与温泉县的三乡一镇接壤。团区土地总面积13.12万亩(不含山区草场),海拔1075~1450米,≥10℃的年有效积温2200~2400℃,无霜期132天,土地坡降大于20‰,且土壤瘠薄,年播种的4.6万亩农作物,因受气候因素的影响,只能种植小麦、油葵、马铃薯等作物,且霜冻、冰雹、大风等灾害性天气贯穿于农作物种植期始末,致使农业生产效益低下,团场常年亏损,是兵团十个特困团场之一。在这个仅有4875人的小团场内,有职工1239人,离退休人员1101人。由于职工收入低,离退休人员的工资长期欠发,加之团场环境条件恶劣,长期以来,职工人心焕散,企业无凝聚力,生产呈恶性循环状态,建团三十余年。累计亏损达二千余万元。1994至1998年,八十八团在兵、师两级党委的亲切关怀和正确指导下,团党委一班人精诚团结,发挥集体智慧,充分利用国家政策,带领全团广大干部职工努力拼搏,实施脱贫攻坚走切实符合八十八团脱贫致富的道路, The eighty-eighth regiment of the Agricultural Five Division was established as a result of the need to reclaim the garrison area and was established in 1960, surrounded by the township of Sanxiang of Wenquan County. The total land area of ​​the mission area is 131,200 mu (excluding mountain pasture), with an elevation of 1075 to 1450 meters. The effective accumulated temperature of ≥10 ℃ is 2200 ~ 2400 ℃, the frost-free period is 132 days, the slope of the land is more than 20 ‰, and the soil is infertile. Of the 46,000 mu of crops, due to the impact of climate factors, can only grow wheat, sunflower, potato and other crops, and frost, hail, wind and other disastrous weather throughout the crop planting period, resulting in low agricultural productivity, Year-round loss, Corps is one of the ten destitute regiment. In this small group of only 4875 people, there are 1239 workers and 1101 retirees. Due to the low income of workers and the long-term under-pay of retirees and the harsh environmental conditions in the regiment, the workforce has been relentless for a long time and the cohesion of enterprises has not been achieved. The production has been in a vicious circle and the delegation has been building a corporation for more than 30 years. Accumulated losses of more than two thousand yuan. From 1994 to 1998, under the cordial care and correct guidance of the party committees at both military and division levels, the 88th League delegation united in unity and solidarity, exercised collective wisdom and made full use of state policies to lead the cadres and workers in the entire delegation to work hard, The implementation of poverty alleviation has been in line with the eighty-eight group to get rid of poverty and prosperity,
建立经营者收入分配激励和约束机制改革工资决定办法,建立企业职工工资收入能增能减机制探索按生产要素分配的具体途径和方法构建适应市场经济的工资收入宏观调控体系 Estab
俄罗斯北方机械制造厂曾于 80年代采用一套煤气综合利用装置。该装置原来有 4部分组成 ,即 :炉子—水加热器—废热利用装置—二氧化碳发生器。现今对该装置系统进一步完善 ,
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