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男,11岁,因发热40余天,黄疸1周入院,患者自6月底发热,体温39~40℃,热型不规则,右上腹间歇性胀痛,某院诊断为“肝脓肿”,自7月7日住院起用氨苄青霉素,庆大霉素,先锋霉素治疗。至7月15日B超检查认为“肝脓肿”已好转,但发热不退,干咳。7月25日肺部X线检查显示双肺粟粒状改变,病情恶化,改用抗痨及先锋V治疗。8月4日B超复查“肝脓肿”已消失,但上述全身症状越来越重,1周前皮肤巩膜逐渐黄染,面、胸、背部在发热高峰期分批出现红色丘疹,压之不褪色、无痒感及渗液,2日后皮疹结黑色痂,不易脱落,病后二便正常,神智清醒。8月7日。某院诊断为“Ⅱ型肺结核” Male, 11 years old, fever due to more than 40 days, jaundice 1 week admission, the patient fever since the end of June, body temperature 39 ~ 40 ℃, irregular heat, intermittent abdominal pain on the right upper quadrant, a hospital diagnosis of “liver abscess,” since 7 On the 7th from the hospital with ampicillin, gentamicin, cephalosporin treatment. To July 15 B-ultrasound that “liver abscess” has improved, but fever, dry cough. July 25 lung X-ray examination showed lung miliary changes, the disease deteriorated, switch to anti-痨 and Vanguard V treatment. August 4 B-ultrasound “liver abscess” has disappeared, but the above-mentioned systemic symptoms more and more heavier, 1 week before the skin sclera gradually yellow dye, face, chest, back in the peak fever period in batches of red papules, pressure is not Fade, no itching and exudate, 2 days after the rash knot black scab, not easy to fall off, the two will be normal, sober. August 7. A hospital diagnosed as “type II pulmonary tuberculosis”
我省 X 地为地氟病区,有不少氟骨症患者,近年来又发现一批有明显骨骼畸形(主要是下肢)的少年儿童,其 X 线改变不同于当地典型的氟骨症患者,主要表现为骨骼疏松、软化与畸形
中国已走向世界,海军舰艇也走出国门,迎来佳宾。肤色不同,语言各异,在中外水兵交往中,“国际赛事”象一扇扇窗口,尽展中国水兵的良好精神世界和迷人风采! China has gone to
Objective To investigate whether R-848 could inhibit IgE production of mice immunized with OVA plus ALUM in vivo.Methods BALB/c mice were immunized s.c on the b
美国Alan Newton公司新发明的X-Y型减速器,它只用三个主要零件(内齿环、外齿轮和一个控制板),结构非常简单,却可达到很高的变速比。减速器的传动比等于从动齿轮齿数除以主、
这是一篇由沙特阿拉伯财政和经济部大臣写的文章,是从产油国的观点来看待世界能源形势的。下一篇则是从西方石油消费工业国的观点来看待世界能源形势的文章。 This is an ar