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诚实是一个古老而平常的命题。古今中外,无数人写了又写,谈了又谈,似乎再也翻不出什么新意了。如果再拿它作题目来写文章,能令人卒读、喜读,实在不易。初中第四册课本中周汉晖的《谈诚实》之所以成功,固然得力于分析深刻,说理透辟,援例精当,对比鲜明,论证缜密,内容具有时代气息等等;如果从语言运用的角度来考察,作者在增强表达效果方面所作的努力也是突出的。其中,对偶、排比的运用尤有特色。 Honesty is an old and common proposition. In ancient and modern times, numerous people wrote and wrote, talked and talked again, and it seems that nothing new has been turned up. If you use it as a topic to write an article, it can be difficult to read and read. The success of Zhou Hanhui’s “Truth of Honesty” in the fourth volume of the junior middle school textbooks is due to analysis, profound theory, thoroughness of assistance, clear contrasts, rigorous argumentation, and breath of time, and so on. If one examines from the perspective of language use, The author’s efforts in enhancing the expression effect are also outstanding. Among them, the use of duality and row ratios is particularly distinctive.
《谋攻》的中心论点,应该是本文的题目“谋攻”。说明如下: 第一段,从战略方面来论述“谋攻”的策略。第二段,从战术上论述了“谋攻”的方法。第三段,论述了将帅的重要作用
《周处》节选自南朝刘义庆编纂的《世说新语·自新》。 刘义庆,彭城(今江苏省徐州市)人,宋武帝刘裕侄子,袭封临川王,后任荆州刺史,官至尚书左仆射,中书令。《宋书·刘道观传
(一) 一、选择题。(23分) 1.选出下面带点字的正确读音。(3分) (A) shǖ (B) táng (C)ōu (D)tāng (E)chēng (F)qǖ G)kōu ①瞠目结舌[答]( ) ②子弹上膛[答]( ) ③蹚水