In this paper, the species composition and seasonal distribution of shrimp in Xiamen Harbor were studied, and the seasonal variation of the number, body length composition and sex ratio of the dominant species of Ying shrimp was studied for reference for future study on population ecology of Ying shrimp . I. Materials and Methods Samples were collected at the Lujiang River in Xiamen Port from May 1963 to January 1965 (monthly lunar eighth, 15th, 23rd and 30th lunar month 20:00 to 20:30) of. Collection of vessels fixed in the port, rely on seawater flow retreat surface plankton. In coarse, medium and fine three kinds of tools (respectively 30GG, 60GG and XX10 sieve made of qualitative 37mm diameter plankton net) drag 10min each. Specimens were fixed with 5% formalin seawater. Due to the bar