汉斯·维尔纳·亨策(Hans Werner Henze,1926—)是二战后德国最重要的作曲家和指挥家。他的作品博采众长、融各种技法于一炉,并在此基础上形成自己的独特风格。第五交响曲创作于1962年,标志着亨策交响曲创作第一个阶段的结束。这部作品在音高材料设计、音乐发展手法、整体结构逻辑等方面的独特处理体现了作曲家对交响套曲体裁形式的个性化探索。其德国风格、意大利风格和“美国式”风格的交融与冲撞又是作曲家内心矛盾及理想与现实矛盾的深刻反映。
Hans Werner Henze (1926-) was Germany’s foremost composer and conductor after World War II. His works draw upon the public, melting a variety of techniques in a furnace, and on this basis to form their own unique style. The creation of the Fifth Symphony in 1962 marked the end of the first phase of the creation of the Hengtz Symphony. The unique handling of this piece in the design of pitch materials, the methods of music development, and the overall structure of logic embodies the composer’s personal exploration of the genre of the Symphonic Suite. The blending and collision between German style, Italian style and American style is also a profound reflection of the contradictions among the composers and between the ideal and the reality.