去年末全国3把震动国人的大火发生后不久,公安部消防局刘式浦局长在上海参加全国公安厅局长会议期间,于1月7日专程到上海消防总队听取上海消防总队有关业务处及地区消防贯彻落实国务院紧急通知后行动情况,并于当晚在总队领导和黄浦区消防科科长陪同下,对该区公共娱乐场所进行了检查。刘局长在离开上海前,对上海的消防工作表示满意,并强调要把现有的消防法规用足用活,消防安全只能严格不能放松。 7日下午,在华晓大厦六楼会议室,刘式浦局长听取了上海总队法制处、办公室、指导处以及浦东新区、徐汇区、黄浦区消防科领导的汇报。特别是在听取上海当
Shortly after the fires that hit three people in the country late last year, Liu Shifu, director of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, made a special trip to the Shanghai Fire Corps on January 7 to listen to the relevant fire department of Shanghai Fire Brigade and the implementation of fire prevention in the area After the implementation of the State Council’s emergency notification of the operation, and in the evening led by the Corps and Huangpu District Fire Department, accompanied by the section of public entertainment in the area were inspected. Before leaving Shanghai, Secretary Liu expressed his satisfaction with the fire safety work in Shanghai and stressed that it is necessary to strictly abide by the existing fire safety regulations and strictly abide by fire safety regulations. On the afternoon of the 7th, at the conference room on the sixth floor of Hua Xiao Building, Director Liu Style Pu heard the report from the head of Legal Department, Office and Guidance Office of the Shanghai Corps and leaders of the Fire Department of Pudong New Area, Xuhui District and Huangpu District. Especially when listening to Shanghai