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统筹城乡经济社会发展,是党的十六大着眼于实现全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标而提出的一个重大发展思路和战略举措。此举充分体现了党中央、国务院对这一问题的高度重视。改革开放以来,特别是西部大开发以来, 海西的各项改革不断深化,结构调整力度不断加大,固定资产投资增速逐年提高,消费需求平稳增长,经济增长的质量和效益持续提高, To make overall plans for the economic and social development in urban and rural areas is a major development strategy and strategic move put forward by the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This fully reflects the party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to this issue. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the great western development, Hercynian reforms have been deepening and structure adjustment has been constantly intensified. The growth rate of investment in fixed assets has been increasing year by year. Consumer demand has been steadily increasing. The quality and efficiency of economic growth have continued to increase.
01 乐居舟山  中国首批房贷族:当时背负巨摘购房被认为是疯子  本世纪初,中国兴起了第一批住房贷款热潮。目前,一批10-15年期的房贷将迎来清款大限,首批房贷族将由此“解套”。中国房地产市场化改革后的第一批购房者,集中在2000年至2003年,房价相对较低,贷款条件较宽松,还贷压力也小。  02 新浪房产  调查称“80后”超五成有房买房多数靠父母  广州调查数据显示,超过五成的“80后”都拥有
The research topic of this proposal mainly involves two aspects, one is the thematic roles, the other is the mapping theory. Explore the syntactic-semantic inte
志书主编应该广识博学,才智超群,在修志中不能吃知识老本,必须增强自身素质。这是主编的天职天责,是种种客观所迫,不可怠懈和贻误。 一、主编要有知识结构合理的资质 面对主编和主
1983年海城县利用山地、沙地、园地、墙角种植醋栗1 ,500亩,共收入85万多元。醋栗是丛生小灌木,适应性强。苗木价格低,每亩栽600~800穴,苗木费仅100元,栽后二年结果,一般亩产