Protein-protein interaction map is a key gateway into liver regeneration

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxquan
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Recent studies indicate that the process of liver regeneration involves multiple signaling pathways and a variety of genes,cytokines and growth factors. Protein-protein interactions(PPIs)play a role in nearly all events that take place within the cell and PPI maps should be helpful in further understanding the process of liver regeneration.In this review,we discuss recent progress in understanding the PPIs that occur during liver regeneration especially those in the transforming growth factorβsignaling pathways.We believe the use of large-scale PPI maps for integrating the information already known about the liver regeneration is a useful approach in understanding liver regeneration from the standpoint of systems biology. Recent studies indicate that the process of liver regeneration involves multiple signaling pathsways and a variety of genes, cytokines and growth factors. Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play a role in nearly all events that take place within the cell and PPI maps should be helpful in further understanding the process of liver regeneration. in this review, we discuss recent progress in understanding the PPIs that occurs during liver regeneration especially those in the transforming growth factor β signaling pathways. We believe the use of large-scale PPI maps for integrating the information already known about the liver regeneration is a useful approach in understanding liver regeneration from the standpoint of systems biology.
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请你认识一位小小少年,刚进四年级,她叫郭乐菱,是合肥师范附小一小四(9)班的一名小学生。  在第7-8期合刊上,还有她的文章——《客人,也要讲安全》《文物安全,我来支招》。  论写作,郭乐菱爸爸可是专业级别的。他是全国首届中语教改新星、家教世界杂志社首席专家郭瑞炜老师。  郭老师认为,教育是慢的艺术,要做到敢等待、不焦虑、不攀比、不盲从。陪孩子读书要有规律地进行。孩子起床时,家长在学习、读书;孩子
问  想象盘子里装着5种不同颜色的糖果,你会先吃哪种颜色的呢?  A 白色B 黑色 C 黄色  D 绿色E 粉红色  答  A白色  选择白色糖果的人热爱纯洁的事物,热爱鲜活健康的生命力,这些人希望永远年轻,对于衰老和疾病特别恐惧,就连嘴边长出浅浅的笑纹都会让你们小小的紧张好久。  B黑色  对于糖果来说,黑色是一种很另类的颜色,同时也有“覆盖一切的权力”的意味!选择黑色糖果的人比较有支