女儿要去美国读书了,田正君和丈夫盖利实在说不清楚心头的滋味.夫妻俩为女儿打点好行装,直至全家人赶到北京机场,含泪目送飞机把女儿载向另一个陌生的国家.田正君是辽河油田第一职工医院住院部副主任,丈夫盖利在勘探局资产处工作,夫妻俩生了三个宝贝姑娘,个个聪慧好学,深得老师夸奖、邻里称羡.1991年,大女儿盖春柳、次女盖春杨双双以优异成绩被中国医科大学、南开大学录取,“二盖” 的雅号由此成为辽河油田实验中学一段佳话.对于培养孩子持久学习兴趣,打牢品学兼优根基,田正君有自己的一套理论,她认为训斥加溺爱是最不可取的方法.她说,孩子有自己的天性,我们也是从那个时候长大的,做父母要重身教轻言传,关键是把握好孩子心理和生理特点,站在她们的角度观察事物,想问题.否则,就会揠苗助长,事倍功半.1977年,盖春桃呱呱坠地,
His daughter is going to America for study, and Tian Zhengjun and her husband, Gaili, can not quite understand the taste of the heart.Husband and wife dabbled in dresses for her daughter until the whole family arrived at Beijing Airport and carried her daughter to another strange country with tearful eyes. Tian Zhengjun is the Liaohe Oilfield First Staff Hospital, deputy director of hospitalization, husband Gaili exploration assets office, the couple gave birth to three baby girl, all smart and studious, won the praise of the teacher, the neighborhood envy .1991, the eldest daughter Gail Chunliu and Gai Chunyang were both admitted with honors by China Medical University and Nankai University, thus making the elegance of “Two Covers” become a story of Liaohe Oilfield Experimental High School .To cultivate children’s long-term interest in learning, Foundation, Tien Ching-jun has its own set of theories, she believes scolding plus addiction is the most unfriendly method.She said that children have their own nature, we also grew up from that time, parents should re-focus on telling words, the key Is to grasp the psychological and physiological characteristics of children, standing on their point of view of things, think the problem, otherwise, it will Xunmiaoguanzhang, with less effort .In 1977, cover spring peach birthplace,