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有些元素如钛、锡、铁、钼等的测定,利用某种固态金属的还原能力,在还原器内还原成为低价离子,继以适当的标准氧化剂溶液,进行滴定。但还原装置对於钛的测定,其缺点不仅在於操作较麻烦,效率较低,且不宜於大批测定工作,同时也往往由於隔绝空气不够完全,影响测定结果。笔者建议下列的还原方法,经我室同志们的帮助,证明可以避免上述缺点。为了便於叙述起见,除主要说明矿石中钛的快速测定外,并附带述及含钛量较高的钛磁铁矿的熔矿处理,以供考参。 Some elements such as titanium, tin, iron, molybdenum and other determination, the use of a solid metal reduction ability, reduction in the reducer to become low-cost ions, followed by the appropriate standard oxidant solution, titration. However, the reduction device for the determination of titanium, the drawback is not only more cumbersome to operate, less efficient, and not suitable for a large number of determination, but also often due to isolation of air is not enough, the impact of measurement results. The author recommends the following reduction methods, with the help of my comrades, proved to avoid the above shortcomings. In order to facilitate the narrative, in addition to the main description of the rapid determination of titanium in the ore, and is accompanied by a high titanium content of the titanomagnetite ore processing, for the reference parameters.
宁静的曼萨那雷斯河穿越古老的马德里城轻轻流淌,俏丽的夹竹桃在这座城市的每个角落勃勃绽放,好似烽火燃烧,却无硝烟弥漫。WTA 总决赛的妩媚是一层鬼魅而含蓄的帷幕,它遮掩着
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普京,大家都知道,俄罗斯总统 是也!反腐败,现在深得人心。在一 些国家,腐败现象已经成为“公害”。 Putin, we all know that the Russian president is also! Anti-corrupt
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最近,财政部就企业会计核算制度改革公开征求意见,而且这次会计制度改革的深度和广度也将是前所未有的。现将笔者的几点考虑陈述如下: 1、关于是否有必要将营业收入划分为主