1. 前言充分了解原野林地潜伏的火行为特征是林火计划特别是人工炼林和护林防火的基础;林区负责人应该能估计出当林火蔓延速率和火强度完全在人工控制下可能的燃烧天数以及燃烧时间 R 度;为了制订灭火计划,必须估计出危险火情天数,可能的火强度和蔓延速率。科罗里达州科林城堡的国家林火气象资料中心,集中了美国所有火险等级站大量的天气和燃料含水量的磁带资料(Furman 和 Brink,1975) 。这些站向国家火险等级中心提供资料,该中心就能给出确定火险的指标(Beeming 等,1977) 。利用这些技术和资料,可得到一种能给出加州原野林地潜伏火险的统计图解。
1. INTRODUCTION A full understanding of the latent fire behavior characteristics of a wilderness woodland is the basis for a forest fire program, especially for manual plantations and forest fire prevention; the head of a forest area should be able to estimate that when the fire spread rate and fire intensity are completely under manual control The number of days of burning, and the burning time R; in order to develop a fire-fighting plan, the number of dangerous fire days, the possible fire intensity and the rate of spread must be estimated. The National Forest Fire Weather Information Center at Colling Castle, Colorado, brings together a large number of tapes of weather and fuel moisture at all stations in the United States (Furman and Brink 1975). These stations provide information to the National Fire Risk Rating Center, which gives an indicator of fire risk (Beeming et al., 1977). Using these techniques and data, you get a statistical graphic that gives a picture of a latent fire in a California wilderness.