我与《中国民兵》结缘,要从10年前在南疆边陲的一次脱险说起。 1994年我在云南边防部队服役。一次,我部巡逻至一个不知名的边陲小寨“歇脚”。村民兵排长热情地款待了我们。晚间轮到我站岗时,民兵排长拿着一本《中国民兵》来“陪”我,让我读几篇文章给他听。他说这是人武部给他的奖品。渺无人烟的原始森林之夜,我与这位纯朴好学的民兵排长围着篝火边读边讲,一直聊到天明。第二天我意外带走了这本《中国民兵》,想不到这书还帮助巡逻队化险
I have become attached to the “Chinese militiamen” and started talking about a trip to the borderlands of southern Xinjiang 10 years ago. In 1994 I served in the Yunnan Frontier Corps. Once, my ministry patrolled to an unknown border town “rest”. The village mongolian platoon leader treated us warmly. When I turn around in the evening, the militia platoon leader took “a Chinese militia” to “accompany me” and let me read a few articles for him to listen to. He said it was a prize given to him by the armed forces department. Unpredictable primeval forest night, I and the simple and easy-going militia platoon leader around the campfire read and talk, talked to dawn. The next day I accidentally took away this “Chinese militia”. I can not think it helped patrol