“花篮的花儿香,听我来唱一唱……”一曲悦耳动听的经典名歌《南泥湾》传唱了半个多世纪,鼓舞了几代人。听过这首歌的,又有多少人知道它的词作者呢? 就是这首歌的词作者,后来又写出一部家喻户晓的剧作《白毛女》,为艺术殿堂塑造了一个熠熠生辉的人物形象白毛女——喜儿;共和国成立后,他以满腔的热情,相继写下了《回延安》、《桂林山水歌》、《放声歌唱》、《雷锋之歌》等被誉为中国当
“Flower basket fragrant flowers, listen to me sing a song ... ...” A melodious classic song “Nanniwan” sung more than half a century, inspired generations. How many people know the songwriter, how many people know the word writer? It is the songwriter of the song, and then write a well-known playwright “White-Haired Girl,” a shining light for the Palace of the Arts Fai character White-Haired Girl - Xi’er; After the founding of the Republic, he filled with enthusiasm, have written “back Yan’an”, “Guilin landscape song”, “Singing song”, “Lei Feng song” and other honorary For China