1999年12月9日,国际网球联合会(ITF)、男子职业网球协会(ATP)和大满贯赛事委员会宣布了一个影响21世纪网坛的重要决定:从2000年赛季开始,将原来的 ATP 年终总决赛和大满贯杯赛合并为大师杯赛(TennisMasters Cup)。这一决定意义深远,它昭示着几大国际网球组织为了世界网球更美好、更顺畅的未来之路,而在一个全新的层次上展开了精诚合作。同时,这种合作还体现在改变排名体系、将原来的超九赛改为大师系列赛等等。其主要目的是为了建立一个统一的赛事品牌,并让网球爱好者们更易于理解职业排名和积分的标准和规则。
On December 9, 1999, the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the ATP Association (ATP) and the Grand Slam Commission announced an important decision affecting the 21st century tennis community. Starting from the 2000 season, the original ATP Year-end The Finals and Grand Slam tournament merged into the TennisMasters Cup. This decision is far-reaching, and it shows that several major international tennis organizations have launched sincere cooperation on a whole new level in order to make the world tennis a better and smoother future. At the same time, this cooperation is also reflected in the change ranking system, the original super nine games to master series and so on. Its main purpose is to create a unified event brand and to make it easier for tennis enthusiasts to understand the standards and rules for career rankings and points.