Rough Set Assisted Meta-Learning Method to Select Learning Algorithms

来源 :南昌工程学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghmyjp
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In this paper,we propose a Rough Set assisted Meta-Learning method on how to select the most-suited machine-learning algorithms with minimal effort for a new given dataset. A k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) algorithm is used to recognize the most similar datasets that have been performed by all of the candidate algorithms.By matching the most similar datasets we found,the corresponding performance of the candidate algorithms is used to generate recommendation to the user.The performance derives from a multi-criteria evaluation measure-ARR,which contains both accuracy and time.Furthermore,after applying Rough Set theory,we can find the redundant properties of the dataset.Thus,we can speed up the ranking process and increase the accuracy by using the reduct of the meta attributes. In this paper, we propose a Rough Set assisted Meta-Learning method on how to select the most-suited machine-learning algorithms with minimal effort for a new given dataset. A k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) algorithm is used to recognize the most similar datasets that have been performed by all of the candidate algorithms. By matching the most similar datasets we found, the corresponding performance of the candidate algorithms is used to generate recommendation to the user. The performance derives from a multi-criteria evaluation measure -ARR, which contains both accuracy and time.Furthermore, after applying Rough Set theory, we can find the redundant properties of the dataset.Thus, we can speed up the ranking process and increase the accuracy by using the reduct of the meta attributes.
《诗卫风硕人》这样描述美女:“巧笑倩兮!美目盼兮!”美女动人之处正是这两句:“直把个绝世美人,活活的请出来在书本上滉漾。千载而下,犹如亲其笑貌。”写文章亦如此,而欲达如此效果,莫过于运用“大红灯笼高高挂”式结构精力谋篇、巧妙拟题。   【模版定位】  “大红灯笼高高挂”式作文模版,即“一根红线串三珠、巧拟标题传精神”。一个灯笼单调,两个灯笼拘谨,三个灯笼则灵动多变,既有个体的鲜活透亮,又有整体的丰