
来源 :理科考试研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovehlq
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近几年来,随着高考命题方向和模式的不断变化,各大高校对于考前准备也紧随着高考命题的方向做出紧凑的调整,从最初单纯的对于知识点的考察,转变到现在对于考生综合能力的应用的考察.近年来的考卷上,可以清楚的看到,综合性的应用题目比重越来越大,而对于某个知识点硬性的考察题目越来越少,这种趋势在物理学科体现得尤为明显.本文将理论基础和实际操作联系在一起,通过对物理学习过程中经验的总结并且结合实例说明,旨在对高考物理的计算题做出分析,得出解题技巧,帮助广大师生寻找到新的学习的物理方法.物理学科 In recent years, with the college entrance examination propositions and the continuous changes in the mode of orientation, the major colleges and universities for the test preparation also followed the direction of the college entrance examination to make a compact adjustment of the direction, from the initial purely for the knowledge point of investigation, to now for In recent years the examination paper, we can clearly see that the proportion of comprehensive application of more and more topics, and for a knowledge point less and less inspected the topic, the trend in the The physical discipline is particularly evident.This paper combines the theoretical basis with the actual operation, through the summary of the experience in the process of physical learning and examples, aims to make an analysis of the computational questions of college entrance examination physics, Facilitate the majority of teachers and students to find a new way to learn physics
关联规则挖掘是数据挖掘的一个非常重要的研究分支,难点在于其挖掘对象是海量数据。Apriori算法需要对数据库进行多次扫描,在真正的海量数据库挖掘中难以实用; FP-Growth算法