金秋九月,遥远的阿尔泰山地流光溢彩,天高云淡,一派迷人风光。笔者风尘仆仆400公里,专程赶赴青河县,采访一位优秀的哈萨克族检察官——贺孜尔。 青河县地处阿尔泰山深处,山路逶迤,偏远闭塞,这个只有5万人口的小县,以哈萨克为主的少数民族占绝大多数,五乡二镇皆藏匿在一个个交通非常不便的山坳。即使从县城下一次乡。汽车也得颠簸
Autumn in September, the distant Altai Mountains Ambilight, clear sky, a charming scenery. I busy 400 km, made a special trip to Qinghe County, interviewed an outstanding Kazakh prosecutor - Hizzer. Qinghe County, located in the depths of the Altai Mountains, the mountainous 迤 迤, remote occlusion, a small county of only 50,000 population, the majority of Kazakh-dominated ethnic minorities, five townships are hidden in two towns in a very inconvenient traffic Col . Even from the county town next time. Cars have to bump