在我县花生栽培中,常见似有果秕、不实幼果特多、植株丛生及“小叶病”等现象出现,初步认为这可能是花生缺乏微量元素症状的反映,为探讨施用微肥的效果,设置了花生施用稀土和硼肥效应试验,现将试验结果总结如下。 一、材料与方法 (一)试验处理:本试验设以下四个处理:1、每斤花生种拌1克稀土;2、
In our county peanut cultivation, common phenomenon such as fruit flounder, false young fruit, plant clusters and “lobular disease” appeared. It is preliminarily thought that this may be a reflection of the lack of trace elements in peanut. Effect, set the peanut application of rare earth and boron fertilizer effect test, the test results are summarized below. First, materials and methods (A) test treatment: The test set the following four treatments: 1, per kilogram of peanuts mixed with 1 g of rare earth; 2,