
来源 :船舶标准化与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hx147852
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经济全球化的发展,使世界范围内的技术标准竞争变得越来越激烈,发达国家政府都争先恐后的加大力度进行技术标准战略的研究,试图在技术标准竞争中牢牢掌握主动权。本文就世界技术标准发展的趋势进行分析,指出了我国技术标准存在的问题和世界标准的发展趋势对我国的启示。1 世界技术标准的发展趋势知识经济时代的到来,使世界范围内的技术标准竞争越来越激烈,谁制定的标准为世界所认同,谁就会从中获得巨大的市场和经济利益。因此,一个时期以来,发达国家政府都加大力度进行标准战略研究,试图在技术标准竞争中牢牢掌握主动权。目前,欧盟拥有的技术标准就有10万多个,德国的工业标准约有1.5万种,日本则有8200多个工业标准和400多个农产品标准。当前世界各国正在加紧完善国家技术标准战略,积极开展技术标准活动。20世纪90年代初,主要发 With the development of economic globalization, the competition of technical standards in the world has become fiercer and fiercer. The governments of developed countries are scrambling to intensify the study of technical standards and strategies and try to firmly grasp the initiative in the competition of technical standards. This article analyzes the trend of the development of the world's technical standards, and points out the enlightenment to our country from the existing problems in the technical standards and the development trend of the world standards. 1 Development Trend of World Technical Standards The advent of the knowledge-based economy has led to more and more intense competition for technical standards throughout the world. Whoever sets standards for the world will gain tremendous market and economic benefits from it. Therefore, for a period of time, developed country governments have stepped up efforts to carry out standard strategy research and tried to firmly grasp the initiative in the competition of technical standards. At present, the EU has more than 100,000 technical standards, about 15,000 industrial standards in Germany, more than 8,200 industrial standards and over 400 agricultural standards in Japan. At present, all countries in the world are stepping up efforts to improve the national technical standards strategy and actively carry out technical standards activities. The early 90s of 20th century, the main hair
我们发现了一个宝藏。  放学时,围墙外,远远地看着教学楼,我突发奇想:不知道能不能去楼顶上看看呢?少年的心,经不住好奇的一点点撩拨,第二天,便约了你,去“探险”。  通往顶楼的门是锁着的,没关系,我们在水房纵横的管道间跳跃,在厚厚的灰尘中穿梭,翻过高而狭窄的窗户,拍拍脏了的衣服,抬头时,我们惊诧,一时间只听得到你我的呼吸。  那年冬天的雪格外多,几乎没过了靴子,积攒了半冬的雪堆砌在墙上、错杂的管道
作者利用甲基丙稀酸甲酯,成功地制作了人舌微血管铸型标本,在立位显微镜下详细观察了舌背四种乳头的微血管构筑。 The author made use of methyl methacrylate, successful
似乎从开学第一天起,鼻涕王的感冒就没有好过。  他总是在安静得只有呼吸声的自习课上用力地吸鼻子,或者在老师讲得眉飞色舞的时候拿出卫生纸“哧——”地擤鼻涕,当全班同学和老师停下所有动作看向他时,他只是尴尬地笑笑,然后把叠好的纸巾扔进课桌里,等待下课再一同扫进垃圾桶。  鼻涕王在课堂上制造噪音引起了身边几位女同学的不满,数学老师的讲解也不能总是被打断,于是班主任找到鼻涕王,有点不好意思地让他搬到最后一
作文对于语文教学的重要性是毋庸置疑的,但学生对作文积极性不高,作文教学效果差也是人所共知的事实,原因是多方面的,其中之一是作文评改环节缺少学生 There is no doubt ab