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以笔者的经历和体会,构建高效课堂关键是让学生动起来,把主动权给学生,学生多讲,教师多听,这样做,初期确实让教师有很大的排斥和茫然,学生有许多的竞争和恐慌,在艰难和挣扎中,让我们明白了高效课堂的核心思想是:相信学生、解放学生、利用学生、发展学生。它的目标和追求是:发展学生、成就教师,建设未来!一、组建合作组,人人有事干,人人能干事组建合作组,要选好一个合作组长,一开始分组时,这个组长不一定是小组里成绩最好的,但一定是小组里组 The author’s experience and experience, the key to building an effective classroom is to make students move, the initiative to students, students say more, teachers listen to do so, the initial does make teachers have a lot of exclusion and loss, there are many students Competition and panic, in the difficult and struggling, let us understand the core idea of ​​efficient classroom is: believe in students, liberate students, the use of students, the development of students. Its goals and pursuits are: developing students, building teachers and building the future! First, set up a cooperation team where everyone can do things well and everyone can work together to set up a cooperation team. When a team leader is selected, Long is not necessarily the best in the group, but it must be in the group
本篇文章主要研究如何营造轻松、和谐、放松的课堂气氛,同时激发学生的兴趣,提高语文教学能力。 This article focuses on how to create a relaxed, harmonious and relaxe
最近,华南理工大学化学与化工学院廖世军教授(图1)与其指导的博士生李浩(图2)发表在国际学术刊物Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics上的论文Synthesis of flower—like Co micr
人,在一生中不可能没有梦想,没有了梦想就等于没有了希望。在从我有记忆起,就早已经有了一个个大梦想。但有些梦想随着时间的流逝却自动破灭了,可我这次要讲的这个梦想,却是在我脑海中最“功不可破”的一个梦想。  我的梦想并不小,它就是——长大以后成为一名作家。不知从什么时候起,我在心中就萌生了这个念头。可能是幼儿园就开始看书了吧,我就特别地喜欢作家这个职业,因为,当一个作家是多么光荣的呀!写好一本书出版后