在画坛辛勤耕耘了60多个春秋的国画大师李可染先生永远放下了心爱的画笔,与世长辞了,终年82岁。 1989年12月22日,阴沉沉的天空飘洒着雪花。从北京以及专程从外地赶来的700多名各界人士聚集在八宝山革命公墓礼堂,沉痛地向这位中国画坛的一代宗师、杰出的人民艺术教育家、文化界的优秀代表李可染先生最后告别。 老画家的亲属、生前友好和学生敬献的花圈放置在大厅内外。一幅幅挽
In the art world hardworking more than 60 masterpieces of Chinese painting Li Keran forever put down his beloved brush, died, died aged 82 years. December 22, 1989, gloomy sky floating in the snow. More than 700 people from all walks of life came from Beijing and made a special trip to Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery Auditorium. They painfully expressed their farewell to Mr. Li Kelan, a great master of Chinese painting, outstanding art educator and outstanding representative of the cultural circle. The relatives of the old painter, former friendliness and students wreaths placed inside and outside the hall. A picture