项目地址美国项目面积800m~2竣工时间2015.01设计单位BIG建筑事务所本案是BIG建筑事务所在美国国家建筑博物馆举办的“HOT TO COLD”展览,展示了BIG在全球从最热到最冷地方的建筑设计成果,并通过这种方式展现BIG是如何将这些建筑设计融入到其所处的文化和气候里。“建筑永远不会诞生在实验室,它总是对一系列现有条件,如文化、景观、气候等作出回应,这些是建筑师无法逃避的问题。HOT TO COLD’展览如同一次五彩斑斓的探索之旅,去探索建筑是如何随着周围的环境和气候成长的,并且以艺术的思维去探索生活又是如何反过来回应建筑的。”BIG创始人Bjarke Ingels如是说。
Project Address USA Project Area 800m ~ 2 Completion 2015.01 Design Firm BIG Architects This case is a “HOT TO COLD” exhibition organized by BIG Architects at the National Museum of Architects. It shows that BIG is the world’s hottest, coldest, Local architectural design, and in doing so show how BIG incorporated these architectural designs into their culture and climate. “The building is never born in the lab and always responds to a range of existing conditions such as culture, landscape, climate, etc. These are questions architects can not escape.” TOOTH COLD ’exhibition is like a colorful Explore the journey, explore how the building grows with the surrounding environment and climate, and in the artistic way of exploring life how to turn back the building. "BJarke Ingels, founder of BIG, said.