镇店之酒:鸣鹰加本力苏维翁(CabernetSauvignon)佳酿出处:北京国贸大酒店79餐厅参考价格:RMB 58000这款葡萄酒系加利福尼亚卡尔特系列中的佼佼者,无数葡萄酒爱好者为之向往,但有幸品尝的人却为数不多。这款趋向完美的加本力苏维翁(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄酒产于美国加州纳帕山谷,每年产量仅在9000-12000瓶,除售往通过严格筛选的顾客名单之外,大量买家只好通过拍卖行购买此酒。因此,这款酒可以算得上是世界上最难寻觅的名酒之一。还记得电影《云中漫步》中那个浪漫唯美的葡萄酒园么?影片就是在纳帕山谷取的景。这个被夹在一座座小山丘中的葡萄园,永远云雾缭绕,恍若仙境。纳帕山谷是美国加州著名的
Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Origin: Beijing Guomao Hotel 79 Restaurant Reference Price: RMB 58000 This wine is a leader in the Caltex range of California, and countless wine lovers are there for. Fortunate enough to taste a few. Cabernet Sauvignon, the trend-setting wine produced in the Napa Valley, California, produces between 9,000 and 12,000 bottles a year. In addition to selling its list of carefully selected customers, a large number of buyers have to go through an auction house Buy this wine. Therefore, this wine can be regarded as one of the world’s most difficult to find one of the wines. Still remember the movie “Walk in the Clouds,” that beautiful romantic wine garden? The film is taken in Napa Valley view. This is sandwiched in a small hill vineyards, always misty, reminding us of scenes in wonderland. Napa Valley is famous in California