Changes in synapse quantity and growth associated protein 43 expression in the motor cortex of focal

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjh_1201
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The present study investigated the effects of catalpol, the main constituent of the Chinese herb Rehmannia root, on neurons following brain ischemia. A rat model of focal permanent brain ischemia was established using electrocoagulation. The rats were intraperitoneally injected with catalpol, at a dose of 5 mg/kg, daily for 1 week. Results showed that the number of neuronal synapses in the motor cortex and growth associated protein 43 expression were increased following catalpol treatment, indicating that catalpol might contribute to neuroplasticity and ameliorate functional neurological deficits induced by cerebral ischemia. The present study investigated the effects of catalpol, the main constituent of the Chinese herb Rehmannia root, on neurons following brain ischemia. A rat model of focal permanent brain ischemia was established using electrocoagulation. The rats were intraperitoneally injected with catalpol, at a dose of 5 mg / kg, daily for 1 week. Results showed that the number of neuronal synapses in the motor cortex and growth associated protein 43 expression were increased following catalpol treatment, indicating that catalpol might contribute to neuroplasticity and ameliorate functional neurological deficits induced by cerebral ischemia .
正值花季的少男少女们体验到孤独并不可怕, 因为这正是自我意识觉醒的一种表现。但是如果你 最终不能从孤独中走出来,总是一味地回避社会交 往,最后便可能把自己隔绝起来,得
有天,邻居老刘带着他的妹妹和他妹妹 13岁的女孩来到我家,说有件难以启齿的事 向我请教,因我曾在武汉市综合畸型病医院 当过几年的心理医生,看我能不能给他侄女 指点迷津,病
因为这次被掩埋的学生特别多,儿科医生王军的任务格外重。一个七天未说过一句话的小女孩,第一次开口说话了,并露出了久违的天真的微笑。  5月20日下午,从映秀镇附近的银杏乡中心小学转移来74名孩子,他们表情淡漠,脸上看不到一点笑容,有的孩子还在大声地哭叫。其中一个七岁的小女孩被妈妈带到王军的身边。这个孩子地震时正在上体育课,眼睁睁地看着教学楼在她面前瞬间倒塌,老师和同学们被压倒在废墟之中。由于这个刺激