Ecological features of Aconitum balfourii (Bruhl) Muk.-an endangered medicinal plant in the northwes

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:agsxuming
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Aconitum balfourii (Bruhl) Muk. (Ranunculaceae) is an endangered medicinal plant. Natural populations were surveyed in the northwest Himalaya for population estimation and evaluation of elite germplasm. Vegetation sampling of quadrats was conducted using the vertical belt transect method in areas supporting A. balfourii. Plant density and relative dominance of A. balfourii were low compared with other alpine species. Threat status was determined on a site-by-site basis as well as for entire western Himalaya. A. balfourii was generally classified as endangered on the basis of geographic distribution and critically endangered on the basis of abundance. We found the natural geographic distribution of A. balfourii to be diminishing due to habitat destruction. Immediate corrective management measures are needed for sustainable utilization and long-term conservation of the species in the wild. Natural populations were surveyed in the northwest Himalaya for population estimation and evaluation of elite germplasm. Vegetation sampling of quadrats was conducted using the vertical belt transect method in areas supporting A. Aconitum balfourii (Bruhl) Muk. (Ranunculaceae) is an endangered medicinal plant. balfourii. Plant density and relative dominance of A. balfourii were low compared with other alpine species. Threat status was determined on a site-by-site basis as well as for western western full length. A. balfourii was generally classified as endangered on the basis of geographic distribution and critically endangered on the basis of abundance. We found the natural geographic distribution of A. balfourii to be diminishing due to habitat destruction. Immediate corrective management measures are needed for sustainable utilization and long-term conservation of the species in the wild .
主管部门:国家新闻出版广电总局主办部门:中国广播影视出版社国内统一刊号:CN11-5054/5国际统一刊号:ISSN 1673-7547邮发代号:80-577出版周期:半月刊每月1、15日出版出版形态
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