目的调查分析变电站蓄电池室作业人员的肺功能及牙酸蚀病等口腔疾患,为制定防护对策提供依据。方法在2014—2015年,随机抽取湖北省电力公司26所变电站蓄电池室,进行现场卫生学调查与检测,并对295名蓄电池室作业人员和153名办公室人员进行健康调查和职业健康检查。结果各变电站蓄电池室平均酸雾质量浓度为(0.537±0.317)mg/m~3,未超过国家职业卫生接触限值(2 mg/m~3);相比偶尔和从不佩戴口罩者,蓄电池室经常佩戴口罩的作业人员呼吸道症状和牙痛、牙龈出血的发生率均较低;蓄电池室作业人员整体牙龈炎、龋齿和牙齿松动发生率明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),但2组人员的牙酸蚀病发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);作业组FVC、FEV1%和MMEF异常率高于对照组(P<0.05),其他各项指标与对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论变电站蓄电池室作业人员长期接触低质量浓度酸雾,对呼吸道有慢性刺激作用,牙酸蚀病及鼻咽口腔疾患发生率增高。建议企业应注重应用蓄电池智能在线维护监控管理系统,尽量降低空气中酸雾质量浓度和人员接触时间,对作业人员定期进行职业健康检查,并加强个人防护用品的发放和佩戴的管理。
Objective To investigate and analyze the oral diseases such as pulmonary function and dentine acidosis of workers in the substation battery room to provide the basis for the formulation of protective measures. Methods In 2014-2015, 26 substations of Hubei Provincial Power Company were randomly selected to conduct the on-site hygiene investigation and testing. 295 battery room workers and 153 office workers were surveyed for health and occupational health. Results The average concentration of acid mist in the battery room of substation was (0.537 ± 0.317) mg / m ~ 3, which did not exceed the national occupational exposure limit (2 mg / m ~ 3). Compared with the occasional and never wearing masks, Room workers often wear masks respiratory symptoms and toothache, gum bleeding were lower; battery room gingivitis, dental caries and dental loosening rate was significantly higher than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05 ), But there was no significant difference in the incidence of dental erosion between the two groups (P> 0.05). The abnormal rates of FVC, FEV1% and MMEF in the operation group were higher than those in the control group (P <0.05) There was no significant difference between the two groups (P> 0.05). Conclusion The substation battery room workers exposed to low concentrations of acid mist for a long time, the respiratory tract has a chronic stimulus, dental erosion and nasopharyngeal and oral diseases increased incidence. It is recommended that enterprises should pay attention to the application of battery intelligent on-line maintenance monitoring and management system to minimize the concentration of acid mist in the air and the contact time of personnel, conduct regular occupational health checks on operators and strengthen the management of the release and wearing of personal protective equipment.