Vietnamese Lifestyle in My Eye

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To my surprise, Vietnam impressed me not with its static scenery but with its dynamic lifestyle and customs. All vivid in the strong present, they taste of no triteness of the past. It seems to me that this is the trend in their culture. Though France ruled the country for nearly a century and American presence lasted for a good 10 years, the two western powers’ most significant footnotes left over in the country are French-style architecture and greenbacks in addition to the agony of war memories. I saw little impact of western culture during my tour in Vietnam. What struck me as most impressive and most conspicuous in the neighboring country was the omnipresent Chinese influence. To my surprise, Vietnam impressed me not with its static scenery but with its dynamic lifestyle and customs. All vivid in the strong present, they taste of no triteness of the past. It seems to me that this is trend in their culture. Though France ruled the country for nearly a century and American presence lasted for a good 10 years, the two western powers’ most significant footnotes left over in the country are French-style architecture and greenbacks in addition to the agony of war memories. I saw little impact of western culture during my tour in Vietnam. What struck me as most impressive and most conspicuous in the regions country was the omnipresent Chinese influence.
白河堡还是一个没有完全开发的地带,位于北京延庆的山区地带,接壤于河北。有云盘谷之称。经常有奇景出现...... White River Fort is still a not fully developed zone, lo
1790年标志着新英格兰的社会或私人图书馆运动的中点,也标志着新英格兰第一个公共图书馆在马萨诸塞州富兰克林城诞生。这是怎么回事呢? 1778年马萨诸塞州立法机关成立以前的