教育认证作为一种高等教育质量保证和改进机制受到了越来越多国家的青睐,由此,作为执行教育认证的组织——教育认证机构的发展也备受瞩目。美国工程技术认证委员会(Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology,ABET)是美国大学在应用科学、计算机、工程和技术专业认证领域最有权威的机构,其认证过程、认证标准和认证特色对于我国高等工程教育认证机构和高等工程教育的发展都颇具启示意义。
As a quality assurance and improvement mechanism of higher education, education accreditation has been favored by more and more countries. As a result, the development of accreditation bodies as educational accreditation organizations has also drawn much attention. Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) is the most prestigious university in the field of applied science, computer science, engineering and technical certification in the United States. Its certification process, certification standards and certification features are of great importance to China’s higher engineering education The development of certification bodies and higher engineering education are quite enlightening.