Objective: To evaluate the perioperative and postoperative metaphase clinical outcomes of patients with STEMI who underwent sirolimus-eluting stent (SES) versus bare metal stent (BMS). Methods: A total of 258 patients with STEMI undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and stent placement were divided into SES group and BMS group. The clinical data of patients during hospitalization and follow-up were recorded. The incidence of MACCE and the event-free survival rate were compared between the two groups. Results: There were no significant differences in baseline, preoperative and postoperative medication, follow-up time and success rate. There was no significant difference in the incidence of MACCE between the two groups during the period of hospitalization and within the period of prevention. There was also no significant difference in the incidence of death, re-MI, stroke and revascularization between the two groups (all P> 0.05) . There was no significant difference in event-free survival between the 2 groups (89.3% vs 87.7%, P> 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: STEMI is safe and effective in patients with SES during PCI, and the incidence of adverse events in hospital and in the medium term is extremely low. The long-term impact of STEMI on SES on patients’ adverse events remains to be studied.